Hasan Furkan Koprulu

Full Stack Developer

Hello, I'm Hasan Furkan, I'm interested in working on new projects and meeting new people. I can help you with backend development using backend frameworks such as Django, Expressjs, frontend development using frameworks such as Nextjs, React and mobile application development using React Native.

Skills & Technologies

ReactNext.jsReact NativeReduxTailwind CSSJavaScript
PythonDjangoNode.jsExpressREST APIPostgreSQL

Work Experience

Junius Tech

Full Stack Developer (Freelance)

2024-02-01 -

I develop Restful apis using Django, Django Rest Framework. I do database optimization. I do backend optimization. I prepare swagger documents to make the frontend more comfortable. I write tests. I make mobile projects using React Native. I try to ensure that the end user does not encounter any errors for these projects. I do application optimization. I write tests. I do front-end development using NextJS and React. I can make role-based panels. I create designs such as admin panel and landing page and connect it with the backend.

PythonDjangoDjango Rest FrameworkPostgresSQLRedisCeleryDockerDocker ComposeGitGitlabJavascriptReactNextjsReact Native

Double Check

Full Stack Developer (Freelance)

2024-01-16 - 2024-07-01

I developed Restful apis using Django, Django Rest Framework. I prepared swagger documents for the frontend to work more easily. I made a mobile application using React Native. I did front-end development using NextJS. I was able to make role-based panels. I created designs such as admin panel and landing page and connected them with backend.

PythonDjangoDjango Rest FrameworkPostgresSQLRedisCeleryDockerDocker ComposeGitGithubJavascriptNextjsReact Native

Featured Projects


A personal portfolio website built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

Key Features:

  • Implemented responsive design with Tailwind CSS
  • Integrated Framer Motion for animations
  • Optimized for performance and SEO
  • Deployed on Vercel
Django Logging Easy
Django Logging Easy

A simple and flexible Django app for logging model actions and changes. This package allows developers to easily add logging capabilities to their Django models using decorators.

Key Features:

  • Easily add logging capabilities to Django models
  • Customizable logging levels and messages
  • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous logging

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